Home Археологија Call for papers – Aerial Archaeology National Workshop, Rome 2009

Call for papers – Aerial Archaeology National Workshop, Rome 2009



Во периодот од 15-16 Април 2009 во Рим ќе се одржи конференција посветена на аероархеологијата и воопшто на недеструктивните методи во археологија. Официјалниот повик за оваа средба, како и сите останати информации можат да се симнат од тука.

The Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry (LABTAF) at the University of Salento, together with the Laboratory of Landscape Archeology and Remote Sensing (LAP&T) at the University of Siena and the Institute for Archaeological Heritage and Monuments of the National Research Council (CNR-IBAM) plan to celebrate the centenary of Wright’s flight with the organization of a conference to discuss the present-day state of the art, to promote a lively exchange of ideas and data and to affirm the validity and vitality of this kind of research in the present day. With the aim of presenting a representative overview of the main approaches and methodologies which underpin this kind of work in Italy, we invite researchers of whatever school or tradition to take part in the event, while also extending an invitation to young researchers who might wish to submit presentations.

Submission of abstracts31 January 2009. Author, title, affiliation; max. 500 words.
Notification of acceptance15 February 2009. Accepted contributions will be split between oral
presentations (20-25 minutes) and posters.
Submission of text and illustration for final publication – 30 June 2009. Guidelines for text and llustration will be circulated no later than 15 February 2009.

Исто така се нудат неколку грантови (стипендии) за студенти и млади истражувачи кои би сакале да учествуваат на овој собир. Сите заинтересирани можат да се обратат на следните адреси:

Marcello Guaitoli (marcello.guaitoli@ateneo.unile.it)
Giuseppe Ceraudo (giuseppe.ceraudo@unile.it)
Stefano Campana (campana@unisi.it)
Giuseppe Scardozzi (g.scardozzi@ibam.cnr.it



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