Home English Carnival for the Day of Forgiveness (Prochka) in Prilep

Carnival for the Day of Forgiveness (Prochka) in Prilep




 Last time when I was at the Carnival for the Day of Forgiveness (Prochka) in Prilep, it was at least seven or eight years ago. Nothing has been changed from then until today. Оn the contrary, the carnival has become more and more popular and this year has its international day as a beginning of the fiesta. All the participants in the Carnival wear authentic and cognizable masks during the celebration, which derives from their regions. They are masked as wizards, doctors, politicians, some other trivial figures and characters from fairy tales. But the most popular among them, so called Prilep Bear Keepers (Prilepskite mechkari), are constant target for making pictures and ethnological documentaries.

The Day of Forgiveness according to the Orthodox Church is a feast which precedes the Honorable Fast Season (Great Lent), the greatest fasting period which prepares all Christians for the greatest feast of the church year, Easter.


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