Home Културен туризам Tourist guidance

Tourist guidance

Unqualified guide is illegal in Republic of Macedonia.
Make sure your tourist guide is licensed!

Languages spoken: English • Македонски • Ελληνικά • Srpski (Српски) • Български • Hrvatski

Nationality: Macedonian

Association: Association of Macedonian tourist guides

Work Area: Republic of Macedonia

Licence Number: #46

About me: Professional archaeologist and historian of art with more than 10 years experience in tourism. Professional travel guidance in Macedonia – legitimation number 046.

Duration: city tour (3 hours-up to 7 hours), one day tour, 2 day tour, weekend tour.

My tours: Around Macedonia, Skopje old city, Ohrid old town, Kokino, Kuklica, Stobi, Smolare waterfall etc.

Type of the tours: rural tourism, eco tourism, mountains, bike tours, archaeological sites, Byzantine churches, Ottoman (islamic) architecture, wine tours …

Interests: Local Attractions, Museums/Galleries, Nightclubs, Shopping, Food, Folklore …

Best guide for: Private Group, Tours, Families.

Contact: info@arheo.com.mk

Some of the pictures taken during my guidance:

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Клучни зборови/Key words: tourism, Macedonia, guide, archaeology, culture, cultural, heritage, turizam, makedonija, vodic, arheologija, kultura, kulturno, nasledstvoMacedonia hotels, туризам, Македонија, водич, археологија, култура, културно, наследство